상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

PR자격증에 도전해보자

PR STORY/바이럴마케팅

by blackkiwi 2009. 5. 28. 22:44



Program Overview

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the need for good public relations in an increasingly competitive business environment to sustain demand for public relations specialists in organizations of all types and sizes.

A career in public relations offers challenging opportunities to create vision, build understanding, and solve communications problems in dynamic environments. Public relations professionals deal with media relations, investor relations, political communications, corporate counseling, marketing communications, opinion research, crisis management, commercial sales promotion, and international relations.

The UW Public Relations Certificate Program is designed primarily for individuals exploring entry or career transition into the public relations field in a corporate or public-sector environment, a nonprofit organization, or a public relations firm. The program may also be appropriate for individuals who are in early stages of their careers in the public relations field. In the final quarter, students have the opportunity to work on actual public relations challenges confronting companies and organizations in the Seattle area. This program is endorsed by the Public Relations Society of America, Puget Sound Chapter, and the International Association of Business Communicators, Seattle Chapter.

Contact a Program Representative

If you have questions about this program, please call 206-685-8936 in the greater Seattle area, or 888-469-6499, or e-mail us.

Admission Requirements

Participation in the Public Relations Certificate Program is open to individuals with four years of college or equivalent training and work experience in public relations, marketing, advertising, sales, communications, or management.

Non-native English speakers are expected to have adequate English language proficiency before taking this program, with a TOEFL score of at least 540 (paper-based) or 207 (computer-based).

International Students: This program does not qualify as full-time study, and therefore does not meet requirements for an F-1 visa. However, if you are an F-1 student currently enrolled full-time in another program, OR you are in the U.S. on some other type of visa (not F-1), you may be eligible to take a certificate program or course. For complete details, or to contact an adviser, see Visa Information.

필자가 획득한 워싱턴대학에서 PR 자격증이다. 외국인들에게도 개방되어 있고 미국 현지인들과 함께 수업을 들을 수 있는 기회라 추천할 만하다.


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